Home 2015

Webinar: Incentive compensation – who is within ban, who is outside, and how to compensate

Few of the Department’s regulations cause more confusion or create more angst at private-sector institutions than the incentive compensation ban. This is in part due to the Department’s shifting policies and pronouncements regarding the ban over the years as well as the recent surge in lawsuits against schools by qui tam relators under the False More Info »

Identifying Ways to Improve Inter-Departmental Cooperation

Dr. Hutton is Dedicated to Continuing CER and Harrison College’s Combined 200 Year History

Interview with Dr. Jim Hutton, President and CEO, Harrison College
In the late 1980s or so, I decided to go back to school to be a college professor. I was well past 40 when I returned to school to earn my bachelor’s degree. Then I earned my MBA and Ph.D. so I could become a college professor.

From the Brink of Closure to 650 Students: WyoTech’s Resurgence Story

Soft Skills: The Foundation for Academic and Career Success

By Dennis Spisak, President, DJSpisak Consulting and Founding Partner, Ignite3E
A few years ago I was involved in an advisory board meeting that included academic officers from approximately 12 career colleges from across the country. It was a very informative meeting, covering a variety of topics of interest to schools within the career college sector.

In Tune with the Market: Bellus Academy Creates CBD Curriculum

The Selective use of Data to Demonize For-Profit Colleges and Distort Their Contribution to Higher Education

By Henry Herzing, Ph.D.(hc), MBA, MSEE, President, Herzing College, Co-founder and Chancellor Emeritus, Herzing University
A recent release from the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU) highlighted that the private sector of higher education accounted for 16 percent of the degrees and certificates awarded in the country.

Musings of an Educational Entrepreneur

Wired for College: How Digital Natives are Changing Higher Education

By Diana J. Martin, PhD, Professor, Keiser University Graduate School, Director of the KU Teaching and Learning Program
“Digital Natives,” the term describing those who since birth have been immersed in a world shaped by technology, describes the majority of today’s college students.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey