Admissions Sales
It’s Your Turn to Spin – Recruitment & Admissions in 2014
Dr. Andrew Beedle, Chief Digital Strategist & Dr. Jean Norris, Managing Partner Norton|Norris, Inc.
College admissions and marketing staffs have unprecedented access to an ever growing prospective student population. The explosive growth of technology has created an expanded toolset for communicating with students. But this very growth has also made it impossible for admissions offices to control how and where prospects get information while at the same time making prospects ever more sophisticated shoppers. Add to this mix a new found interest on the part of federal regulators to “measure” the value of a college program based on the employment of its graduates and you have a volatile market fraught with uncertainty. p.1
Instruction and Faculty Management
Integrated Learning System can Help Students, Faculty and Schools
By Barbara A. Schmitz from an interview by Michael Cooney
Sector veterans Gary Carlson and Dennis Spisak have developed an integrated learning environment operating software system that aligns itself with campus administrators’ expectations and outcomes regarding employers’ needs, best practices, accreditation compliance, and industry standards which can help students, faculty and schools succeed. p.9
Curriculum Development
Improving Student Learning is Everybody’s Business
By Carolyn Jarmon, Ph.D., with Cheryl Hentz
The idea behind course redesign is if you can improve each course, one would theoretically assume you could improve a major or a degree, or eventually potentially the institution. Redesigned courses can make a huge difference in the success of a lot of students. p.14
School Operations
Bookstore Best Practices: What’s in it For Your Students, and What’s in it For You?
By Bruce Schneider, Ambassador Education Solutions
Regardless of how student access and purchase their text books, there are several course material management and acquisition processes that will make things easier and more efficient for both you and your students. Based on Ambassadors’ work with hundreds of schools and campus networks over the last several decades, direct feedback from these schools on what works and what doesn’t, and the technological advances we have developed a series of best practices and procedures that all career college should consider for both the benefit of the student and institution. p.20
Mergers and Acquisitions
Lessons Learned From Thunderbird/Laureate Proposed Joint Venture
With Florence Tate, SWAT Educational Services, Inc.
A proposed joint venture between Thunderbird School of Global Management and
Laureate Education is causing trepidation, especially among Thunderbird’s students and alumni who view the move as an effort to leverage the Thunderbird brand and its stellar business school reputation in order to deepen the pockets of a for- profit institution. p.25
Legal Considerations and Issues
Establishing Federal Financial Aid Eligibility for Competency-Based Education
By Geraldine Muir and Michael B Goldstein
As the movement to provide competency-based programs continues to grow and mature, best practices are evolving that can save institutions in the initial stages of competency-based academic program development valuable time and resources. In contrast to direct assessment, the broader category of competency-based education also includes programs that are developed by mapping learning outcomes from established credit or clock hour programs or from industry-based rubrics into the basis of the competencies that are then measured and evaluated by the institution. p.30