Home Tag "April 2016"

Ombudsmen can Resolve Issues Before Students Become Frustrated

Written by Barbara A. Schmitz from an interview by Jenny Faubert with Jim Klein, Ombudsman, Sullivan University
Sullivan University appointed Jim Klein to its first ombudsman position in 2012. The ombudsman is responsible for investigating and resolving issues and complaints that come to his or her attention informally from active or former students or others.

Humanity in Our Hands: Educators Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Maximizing Lease Protections in Case of a Future School Closure

By Julie S. Mebane, Partner in Duane Morris LLP’s Real Estate Practice Group
The best way for a school tenant to protect itself against dire consequences following a school closure is to negotiate and include in its lease particular protections that will afford options and flexibility for dealing with a closure. This article describes some of the provisions that are recommended for consideration at the lease negotiation and documentation stage.

Negotiated Rulemaking Committee on Affordability and Student Loans – Session One

Is Your Degree Program Struggling? The 3 Basic Questions to Answer

By Dale Leatherwood, Higher Education Consultant
In considering the current program roster, it is crucial to focus energy on either a smaller and more focused list of programs or on specific program areas with high levels of expertise and outcomes. Leatherwood recommends looking at every program that is not succeeding and asking three simple questions.

Humanity in Our Hands: Educators Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

University of Advancing Technology Promotes Programming as Possible Career at Arizona’s Largest Statewide Code Day

Written by Barbara A. Schmitz from an interview by Jenny Faubert with Jason Pistillo, President, UAT
Without an interest in computer science in high school, students don’t enroll in computer science programs in college, says Pistillo. Code Day events help to get children as young as 6, 7 or 8 and up to 16 interested in coding, as well as in programming and software projects.

In Tune with the Market: Bellus Academy Creates CBD Curriculum

Advising for Fit: The Common Thread Between School Counselors and College Admission Professionals

By Shannon Gormley, Licensed School Counselor, Type 73/National Director of Enrollment Solutions and Dr. Jean Norris, Managing Partner, Norton|Norris, Inc.
Gormley and Norris explore the tremendous potential that awaits for schools willing to evolve from the traditional “admissions interview” to more meaningful approaches focused on student fit.

A New Strategic Approach to Coaching is Helping Admissions Teams Overcome Post-Pandemic Challenges

The 2016 Higher Education Benchmarks

A Keypath Education White Paper Reprinted with Permission
Keypath Education has released its second annual higher education benchmarks to provide institutions with current trends and sector metrics. The report not only covers enrollment, marketing and conversion trends, but also delves into the top academic programs, social media usage and more specifics.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey