Home Tag "August 2018"

No Internet? No Device? No Problem: Making Electronic Course Materials Easily Accessible

By Bruce Schneider, Vice President of Business Engineering, Ambassador Education Solutions
Digital course materials can increase convenience and reduce costs, yet they are dependent upon student accessibility. Learn how a device program can help and explore important considerations along the way, including offering Wi-Fi hotspots, delivering print-on-demand options, and allowing for downloadable digital content.

Reaching Students in a COVID-19 Focused Learning Environment

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: Considerations for Higher Education Institutions

By Michelle Donovan, Partner and Diane Byun, Diversity Fellow, Duane Morris LLP
On June 28, 2018, California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), establishing the strictest data privacy law in the United States. The CCPA’s scope is not limited to entities within California. Compliance obligations will be imposed on any business that collects personal information about California residents and meets one of the CCPA thresholds, regardless of where the business is located. Higher education institutions covered by the new law must adopt new policies and procedures relating to the collection, use, and sharing of consumers’ personal information.

Negotiated Rulemaking Committee on Affordability and Student Loans – Session One

CECU: Postsecondary Career Education Faces Opportunities and Obligations in Coming Year

Written from Statements made by Steve Gunderson, President and CEO of CECU During the CECU Meeting of the Members
The Career Education Colleges and Universities held its Annual Convention & Expo in June, where President and CEO Steve Gunderson told members about the opportunities and obligations facing the sector, and he encouraged everyone to get involved.

Career Education Convention Stresses the Importance of Sector Unity

‘Take Control’: How to ‘Future-Proof’ Your Institutions and Your Students

Written from CECU Plenary Presentation, “Your Role in Creating Tomorrow’s Workforce”with Seth Mattison
“Future proofing” career schools and their students is a pathway to success, said Seth Mattison, an expert on workforce trends who spoke at the 2018 Career Education Colleges and Universities Annual Convention & Expo in June. It’s not just teaching students how to do a certain job, but also ensuring they possess the evolving soft skills needed for today’s workplace.

Career Education Convention Stresses the Importance of Sector Unity