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Analysis of the Impact of Career Colleges and Universities in the U.S. Labor Market

By Career Education Colleges and Universities, Reprinted with Permission
CECU believe this is the first analysis to show the relative historical and likely future contribution of private sector career colleges and universities, across all 50 states, and all program areas identified by the U.S. Department of Education, related to job categories as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

CECU State of the Sector an Executive Summary

By Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU)
CECU surveyed their education membership’s leaders to better understand the state of the sector school-by-school. This article explains the key summary observations, followed by some of the high points of their comments which help better define the analysis.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

A Phenomenological Exploration of Adult Basic Education Teachers’ Experiences with Professional Development

By Joel Floyd, Ph.D., Chief Executive Director of Adult ESL and Continuing Education, English for a Lifetime Language Institute and Steven Roth, Ed.D., Graduate Professor of Education, Coordinator of the Master’s Programs in Education, Keiser University
Adult basic education (ABE) teachers’ lack of professional development is alarming given that their primary responsibilities are to instruct nontraditional adult learners in obtaining basic literacy skills to prepare this student population for the workforce. Employing a phenomenological research methodology, this study included five ABE teachers’ lived experiences with professional development. The results indicated that the ABE field lacked a stable and consistent professional development program.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

Combating Isolation and Loneliness in the Age of COVID-19

By Mireidy Fernandez, PsyD, Adjunct Faculty, Florida National University
Dr. Fernandez discusses how isolation, detachment and loneliness as a result of social distancing have taken center stage during COVID-19. The article explains this scenario and offers helpful techniques to overcome those feelings, which for some individuals often run parallel with anxiety and depression.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

Unfair Application of “The LeBlanc Method”

By The Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
Emulating the behavior of a monopoly, the education establishment has employed every tool at its disposal to limit and thwart career colleges. Employing allies in government and the courts, they rely on an unfair double standard to prevent students from seeking the opportunities career colleges offer.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

2021 Web Trends and Their Impact on Business

By Doug Perez, Professor of Data Science, University of Advancing Technology
The year 2020 was a time of profound change throughout the world, and it brought a range of adaptations people have made to adjust to the new normal. This article describes some of the trends we can look forward to in 2021 and how they impact the way we do business.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

NC-SARA Reported Enrollment Mirrors National Distance Education Data with Some Notable Exceptions

Comparison to 2015 IPEDS Distance Education Data
Prepared for NC-SARA by Terri Taylor Straut, Reprinted with Permission
The purpose of this paper is to provide a national context by comparing key NC-SARA data points to the most current federal government’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

No More Square Pegs in Round Holes: Eduventures’ Adult Learner Mindsets

By Howard Lurie, Principal Analyst, Online and Continuing Education, Eduventures, A Division of the National Research Center for College and University Admissions (NRCCUA)
Adult learners are anything but monolithic. Eduventures’ 2017 “Adult Prospect Survey” acknowledges this complexity and sheds new light on the range and variety of behaviors and preferences among adult learners.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

Enhancing the Evaluation of Unaccredited Institutions: Using the CIPP Model

By Laura Vieth, Deputy Director, Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
In an effort to develop improved processes for evaluations of unaccredited postsecondary institutions, a regulatory state agency recently completed a research study to explore, test, and implement appropriate measures for use in assessment. This was achieved through a utilization of the action research methodology and the Stufflebeam (1971) Context Input Process Product (CIPP) Model.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey