Home News Higher Education and the Blockchain Ecosystem: An Overview – The Evolllution

Higher Education and the Blockchain Ecosystem: An Overview – The Evolllution


Implementing blockchain technologies could provide significant benefits to every department within a postsecondary institution.

Each department within the institution, directly or indirectly, interacts with the learner and with each other. Most departments work with external entities and must exchange information, documents, money, contracts, media, certification and accreditation documents. Most, if not all, departments work with accrediting bodies. Most, if not all, work with professional organizations. Many work with vendors and consultants. All of these transactions are fair game for blockchain.

Once you get a firm grasp on Blockchain, you will be able to explore more potential applications for it in your department. This article is the first in a series on blockchain in higher education, so I will start with a general overview, with examples of how Blockchain can be implemented at an institution. In later articles, I will go into more depth and provide you with context, more examples, cost analyses, and direction.

Admissions:When a student is admitted, the college or university collects and validates personal, academic and governmental information. Eventually, when a student reaches graduation, they will have a multitude of validated assets that demonstrate proficiencies, competencies and skills within their area of focus. With graduates start applying for jobs, they can use their ePortfolio to provide employers with a complete picture of their skills and experience—perhaps without even conducting a formal interview. For the admissions department, one of the larger roles blockchain technology plays is with storing and recording forms and documents, verification of some of these items, and identity verification.

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