Home News Rasmussen College Joins the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to Celebrate Week of the Young Child

Rasmussen College Joins the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to Celebrate Week of the Young Child


College to amplify the exploration of STEAM–science, technology, engineering, art and math– among our youngest learners

Rasmussen College, a regionally accredited private college, joins the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to celebrate Week of the Young Child (WOYC)™, April 16–20.1 NAEYC has celebrated WOYC annually since 1971 with Rasmussen College honoring the week College-wide since 2011. The week is dedicated to better meeting the needs of our country’s young children, their families and the educators who teach them. This year, Rasmussen College is acknowledging the increased focus nationwide on the importance of STEAM concepts: science, technology, engineering, art and math. The College believes now is an opportune time to discuss how we can address these large and often complex topics with young children to develop and foster an interest in STEAM at an early age. This year’s internal theme, Celebrating Our Youngest Learners Through STEAM, will be recognized across the College’s 22 campuses and online.

“Even our youngest learners can grasp basic science, technology, engineering, art and mathematical concepts, and they often do so every day,” says Mary Muhs, Early Childhood Education (ECE) department chair at Rasmussen College. “It is important we foster their experiences and hook their interest early.”

In recognition, the College will be hosting a webinar, “Celebrating Our Youngest Learners Through STEAM” on April 17 from 7:00–8:30 p.m. (Central). The webinar will focus on the ways early childhood education professionals and teachers can incorporate and explore STEAM skills and concepts in their classrooms through play and discussion. It will also connect everyday activities to STEAM concepts, learning standards and outcomes. To register for the free webinar, click here. Individuals who participate will receive a certificate of completion via email.

“Young children may not be ready to understand the complexities of multiplication or how computers work, but they can develop a strong foundation for future learning by exploring STEAM skills and concepts,” says Muhs. “Many ECE professionals, teachers, parents and young children are already doing activities that fuel an interest in STEAM concepts. With increased practice and heightened importance, we can prepare our next generation to be curious problem solvers from an early age.”

To help the community celebrate WOYC and learn more about STEAM, Rasmussen College is hosting a series of events and activities across its 22 Midwest and Florida campuses. Activities include creating art projects and community book readings with the College’s School of Education faculty and students. To learn more about WOYC events near you, please visit the Rasmussen College WOYC guide or visit your local campus’ Facebook page.

Rasmussen College is Committed to Early Childhood Education Profession
Rasmussen College is committed to the advancement of the early childhood education profession by offering opportunities that stem all levels of education. The College offers an ECE Certificate, Diploma, Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree programs online with curriculum that prepares students to make a positive and profound difference in the lives of young children and their families. Curriculum is developed based on the national best standards established by NAEYC and prepares students to apply for their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential from the Council for Professional Recognition (CDA Council)2. In 2017 the College was among a select group of ECE training organizations to be awarded the CDA® Gold Standard Training Certification from the CDA Council. This year, the College is proud to announce it has seen its 3,000th CDA Credential earner, a huge milestone showcasing the College’s dedication to the early childhood education profession.

For more information about the Rasmussen College School of Education, please visit rasmussen.edu/degrees/education/.

Rasmussen College is a regionally accredited private college that is dedicated to changing lives and the communities it serves through high-demand and flexible educational programs. Since 1900, the College has been committed to academic innovation and providing the highest standard of education while empowering students to pursue a college degree. Rasmussen College offers certificate and diploma programs through associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs online and across its 22 Midwest and Florida campuses. A pioneer in online education, the College is helping lead advancements in innovations such as competency-based education and comprehensive student support services that help working adults advance their careers. The College is also committed to providing a positive impact on society through public service and a variety of community-based initiatives. For more information about Rasmussen College, please visit www.Rasmussen.edu.

1Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. hlcommission.org | 800-621-7440

2 The Early Childhood Education programs at Rasmussen College are not accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Commission on Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation. Rasmussen College is not a partner of NAEYC and our programs are not sponsored or endorsed by NAEYC

Week of the Young Child is a Trademark of NAEYC

Contact: Molly Andersen
Phone: 952-844-5647
Mobile: 903-920-4366
Email: molly.andersen@collegiseducation.com



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