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New Midwest Advocacy Network aims to Promote Interests, Successes of Private Schools

Written by Barbara A. Schmitz from an interview with Jeri Prochaska and Tom Netting, Co-Executive Directors, CSPEN
The Central States Private Education Network, a new, grass-roots federal and state advocacy network, was created to promote the interests of all private schools in five Midwest states. Jeri Prochaska and Tom Netting, co-executive directors of CSPEN, said they started the network, based in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Michigan, out of concerns that media were only reporting negative things about the sector.

Preeminent Event Focuses on Executive Information Sharing and Networking

SARA – Twenty-three States and Counting

Written from an interview with Marshall A. Hill, Ph.D., Executive Director, National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
Executive Director of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, Marshal Hill believes that distance education can help improve America’s educational system once the inefficiencies of the current state regulatory system are codified across the board.

Preeminent Event Focuses on Executive Information Sharing and Networking