Home Tag "June 2018"

Bellus Academy President Changing Students’ Lives and Perceptions of Career Education

Interview with Lynelle Lynch, President and Owner, Bellus Academy and President, Beauty Changes Lives Foundation
Bellus Academy has reimagined beauty and wellness education, and now it’s trying to change the perception of career and technical jobs. President and owner Lynelle Lynch says she is trying to alter public opinion and make cosmetology school careers first-choice careers through scholarships awarded by the non-profit Beauty Changes Lives Foundation and a national public relations campaign.

From the Brink of Closure to 650 Students: WyoTech’s Resurgence Story

The EEQ CERT: A New Way to Assure and Communicate Program Quality, Relevance, & Value

By Melanie Booth, Ed.D., Executive Director, The Quality Assurance Commons for Higher & Postsecondary Education, reprinted with permission
As a result of the Quality Assurance Commons for Higher & Postsecondary Education’s work – and in partnership with 27 academic programs from 14 institutions across the country – they have designed the Essential Employability Qualities Certification, or EEQ CERT.

What Innovative Career Service Departments Learned From COVID-19