Home Tag "February 2020"

Faculty Mentoring: A Valuable Investment to Future Academic Success

By Tina D. Barbour Taylor, Ph.D., MSN, RN, Fortis Institute Pensacola, Florida
What is faculty mentoring and how can it be an asset to academic success? The purpose of this article is to provide information on the importance of faculty mentoring and how quality faculty mentoring can lead to successful academic programs.

In Tune with the Market: Bellus Academy Creates CBD Curriculum

Higher Education is Facing its Greatest Challenges Since WWII

By Wallace K. Pond, Ph.D., Education Practice Partner, Top Gun
Building a firewall against obsolescence is a complex and long-term project. The first step for at-risk institutions of higher education (which is most of higher education) involves self-education on the current reality and elimination of all denial about that reality.

Veteran Alumni Report Positive Experiences at Proprietary Institutions According to New Survey

Is Your Institution Financially Ready for the New Lease Standard?

By Michael T. Wherry, CPA, McClintock & Associates
With the U.S. Department of Education’s guidance released in the borrower defense to repayment regulations in regard to the new lease standard’s treatment in the composite score ratio, the time is now for institutions to begin planning.

PPP Loans and HEERF Grants: A Guide to Accounting, Reporting and Composite Score Considerations

Bellus Academy Launches Student Assistance Program to Support Mental Health and Help Students Navigate Life and Work Challenges

Interview with Lynelle Lynch, President and Owner, Bellus Academy
The Bellus Academy Student Assistance Program are confidential support services provided at no cost and can help students address a range of emotional and relational challenges including stress, anxiety, depression, grief, and support for child/elder care.

Reaching Students in a COVID-19 Focused Learning Environment